morning routine

My Morning Routine

woman drinking tea


As a busy Mom of 3, I have found that having a set morning routine, is essential to keeping my sanity and productivity in check. 

In this post, I share my morning routine, as well as realistic suggestions to help you create a morning routine that feels supportive to you.

Here is what my morning routine looks like

The first key to this is getting up ideally, an hour and a half, before the kids wake up. (I know, I know, it sounds crazy when you’re exhausted, but once you get into the rhythm of doing it, it’s a game changer, I promise). Having “me” time to get centered and prepared for the day allows me to be present and loving for my children when I see them and not feel frazzled and edgy. The difference is night and day from when I have my time in the morning and the days I don’t. It’s critical for me, so 98% of the time it happens. (The rare occasions it doesn’t are when a kid is sick and gets up early, or I’m sick).

I get up at 5 am and take a body shower. Usually, don’t wash my hair during my 5 am shower. I typically use it as a time to cleanse my body, wash my face, take some nice cleansing breaths and reflect on what I want out of the day and set my intentions. It’s usually the only time I have to exhale and not feel stressed that someone is waiting for me.

Spray my face with hydrating nutrient mist, apply facial oil and then spray rosewater on my face for a fresh start to the day.

morning routine

I put on gym clothes and drink a glass of room temperature water, make some herbal tea and take my vitamins. I’d like to say I add lemon to my water as it’s excellent for detoxification, but I’m too lazy, so that’s not something I add in on the daily.

Meditation is Supportive

Next, I check in with myself and get a sense of how I’m feeling. Based on what I feel my needs are that morning or day, I find a meditation that would be supportive for me on insight timer and engage in a 15-20 minute meditation. This really grounds me and gets my head centered for the day.

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morning routine

Then, I open up my journal to do my morning pages. This helps me tap into whatever I’m feeling, or didn’t even know I was feeling, as it flows on to the page. It helps me work through anything that is bugging me, any questions or self doubts I’m feeling. I also literally write out my intentions for the day, as declaring them really helps me take action on them. I often write goals out that have been on my mind as well. They may be personal goals for the week, or business goals for the month, or health goals I have for the week. As I write these goals down, they give me energy and I feel excited to tackle the day.

You can watch my IGTV on how to do morning pages and all of the amazing benefits here.

Writing up a to-do list

After I’ve journaled, I start my to-do list for the day. I typically only write down what I want to accomplish that day on the to-do list. If I have things I want Jon or my au pair to do that day, I will write their to-do lists from me as well and give them to them when they wake. I like to know that everyone that I manage, (yes, that includes my husband, lol), has their marching orders for the day, as it helps me cross things off my life. Delegation is very important as a busy mama, along with releasing control and alleviating all of the many thoughts lingering in our minds.

morning routine


Now that I’ve cleansed my body and mind, unloaded and released all of my thoughts and organized my to dos (aka my strategy) the day, I feel lighter and able to focus on being present with my kids.

Usually, by the time this is all complete, I’m out of time and Dru is already standing next to me asking me if she can wear her sparkly dress and tutu to school again that day. But since I’ve taken MY time this morning to get centered and sorted. I’m excited to see her and greet her with love.

I swear, if I ever am unable to do this, I feel the difference in the way I interact with my children and the way I feel throughout the day. Having an hour and a half – 2 hours in the morning before the kids wake up is clutch for me to feel sane and happy.

*Don’t worry mama! I know how hard it can be to remember all the things, so I created a free mini mama reset training for you! This training outlines your morning mindfulness practice, morning affirmations to recite, walks you through the 5 questions to ask yourself each morning to set your intentions and gives you the 5 questions to ask yourself at the end of the day to reflect and close out your day. This practice gives you the key fundamentals that I believe allow you to live a stress free, joyous and peaceful life. Click here for the free training!

My Morning with Kids

My kids wake up at 7 am and head to school at 8:30 am, so between 7 am – 8:30 am, I’m giving the kids breakfast and getting them ready for the day. I usually make myself some celery juice and pack an apple to take to the gym with me for a post work out snack.

When the kids head to school, I head to the gym and start my day with a good work out to fuel my mind and body with great energy for the day.

By this point, my mind and body have been centered, fueled and strengthened to take on the day, and I feel great.

Option 2

Alternatively, I sometimes flip-flop the routine and do the work out at 5 am, come back and shower before the kids wake up at 7am. In this case, I’d do the same breakfast routine with the kids from 7-8:30am, and then at 8:30am  when they’re off to school, I do the meditation, journaling, and to-dos and get straight to work.

I listen to what my body is asking for and do that day. As it’s late December, dark and cold, my body has been more inclined to want to meditate, journal and read first, versus hit the gym. When it’s warmer and light out, my body typically wants to work out first. Just depends.

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Setting Up Your Morning Routine

If creating space in the morning for you, depending on what season of your life you’re in and what you’re lifestyle entails, make small, minor changes to start.

Pick one of the things, either morning pages, meditation or shower, to do before your kids get up. This could only require you getting up 20 minutes before them. Those 20 minutes of space, will be key in helping to put you in a positive headspace for the day.

If meditation is new to you, download insight timer, which is a free app loaded with a range of meditations in all time ranges and for all purposes (relieve anxiety, motivate, start your day, etc). Start with a 3 minute meditation and make that a practice.

Even if the meditation is 3 minutes, I’d still recommend getting up 15-20 minutes before your kids as a start, to give yourself time to properly wake, use the restroom, splash some cold water on your face and not feel rushed.

After about 2 weeks of doing that, feeling the results in your mindset, diet, mood and sleep, see if it feels supportive to add a little more, even if the 15 minutes becomes 25-30 minutes, it will make a world of a difference.

Oh, and please keep me posted! I’d love to know how it goes and what’s working.

If you already have a morning routine, what does it look like? What are your morning routine secrets that help you stay sane, centered and productive? Let me know in the comments below!


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